January 8, 2024

enVision Together: Going to Our Next Level of Best, welcomes Dana S. Diaz . She is a wife, mother, and author of the best-selling book GASPING FOR AIR: THE STRANGLEHOLD OF NARCISSISTIC ABUSE. Dana has had life-long experience with narcissistic abuse, beginning in childhood. Her education in journalism and psychology at DePaul University in Chicago…

December 25, 2023

enVisionTogether welcomes Lauren Medina is an inspirational poet, Christian speaker, educator, and nature enthusiast. “The Birds Persist to Sing,” is her debut poetry collection. Lauren uses her creative work to open up the door to conversations about faith, hope and healing. Poetry is Healing when Lauren Medina is involved, she’s shares some of her work…

December 11, 2023

Donna Tashjian is a Life Mastery coach helping people with a burning desire to achieve their dreams, yearning for more abundance while maintaining harmony in their lives, and seeking the path to prosperity without compromising their health and relationships. She specializes in helping people unlock the secrets of spiritual intelligence, making it easier than ever…

November 27, 2023

enVision Together: Going to Our Next Level of Best is happy to present Airick Journey (AJ) Crabill, who’s focus is improving student outcomes. He serves as Conservator at DeSoto, Texas ISD. Under AJ’s guidance, the DeSoto district improved their F-rated performances in academics, finance, and governance to B ratings. He’s Education Faculty at the Leadership…

November 7, 2023

Kim Sorrelle calls herself a cancer-surviving, entertaining widow and an expert on love. “I dish up inspiration with a side of humor and life-application for dessert.” Kim is also the director of a humanitarian organization. She’s a popular speaker, and the author of two books. Her first book, Cry Until You Laugh, is about her…

October 9, 2023

Jimmy Clare is a motivational speaker, Autism Advocate, author, and founder of CrazyFitnessGuy. Before he started his career as a motivational speaker life was a bumpy road. Doctors told Jimmy’s parents that he would not be able to walk without braces or crutches but his family didn’t take their word for it. They took him…